We will accept returns of product for up to (30) days from the date of purchase and minimum 15% restock applies depending on item, condition of item and packaging.
Several product may be preordered. Please allow additional time for delivery.
We do not offer free shipping on items $100 or more. Some items are free shipping or included in the price.
We specialize in products for the backflow industry. This includes maintaining stock of repair kits, assemblies, ball valves, gate valves and some instances individual parts. We also stock cages and test equipment.
Yes, we have posted several instructional videos on YouTube. From YouTube’s home page search for “Backflow Supply SLC”.
We only sell original manufacturer parts.
The USC List of Approved Backflow Prevention Assemblies states: “Use of spare parts other than those of the original manufacturer invalidates the Approval”.
Yes, depending on what must be replaced. For example, you may not need a “total” kit if only the rubber parts are worn. The savings can be significant.
Call us and we can help you determine the best options: 801-355-6736
Yes, there are individual parts available for most assemblies, but not all.
Be aware that there are some cases where the individual parts cost nearly as much as a full kit.
Call us if you have questions 801-355-6736
Only assemblies approved for vertical orientation may be installed vertically. The USC approval list at http://fccchr.usc.edu/ specifies whether installation should be installed vertical up or vertical down.
Our only physical location is in Salt Lake City, Utah.
We do not sell custom cages/enclosures; however, we will put you in touch with the respective manufacturer so you can order it directly.
Contact us at: sales@backflow-supply.com or 801-355-6736
Go to:
sales@backflow-supply.com or 801-355-6736
Currently, on our website or over the phone we do not collect sales tax for sales going outside of Utah.
Inside Utah, please call us at 801-355-6736
Sometimes there is an obvious external crack, or bulging, but other times the crack is internal. Unfortunately, it may not be discernable until the assembly is disassembled. The final indication of freeze damage is that replacing the parts doesn’t resolve the problem, because the body has been expanded or cracked.
You will need to know the model and the size of the assembly. Brand is helpful. Typically, there is a tag on the assembly that will give you the model, size, and serial number, however; another way to find the size is to look at the shutoff valves. The size is raised in the brass on the side of the valve. If tags are missing, you may need to take pictures to email to us at sales@backflow-supply.com to help identify it.
From the home page of our website, click on “Maintenance Sheets” and you will be able to view the manufacturer maintenance sheets. These will offer trouble shooting helps to determine what is wrong with the assembly. You may contact us at: sales@backflow-supply.com or 801-355-6736
Contact your water provider. While there are minimum protections required nationally, the local water providers may have their own rules that apply.
From the home page (or wherever they are now) of our website, click on “Maintenance Sheets” and you will be able to view the manufacturer maintenance and troubleshooting information.
Also, you may contact us at: sales@backflow-supply.com or 801-355-6736
See our videos on YouTube. Search for Backflow Supply SLC and search the videos.
It depends on your location and the shipping option you choose. You can view the estimated delivery time as you check out on the web store.
Restocking an item varies from one day to several weeks, depending on the manufacturer.
Call us if you would like to be notified when a part is restocked at: sales@backflow-supply.com or 801-355-6736
Generally, it will be either a problem with the #1 check valve or the relief valve or both. See our video on YouTube (search for Backflow Supply SLC).
There are items that we have not yet added to the store, so you may contact us at: sales@backflow-supply.com or 801-355-6736 for items that you cannot find on the web store.
If parts have been installed, we are unable to accept them back as a return. If you have questions about which parts you need, or the issue you are having, please contact us before purchasing the repair parts. sales@backflow-supply.com or 801-355-6736
If you would like to be notified when the item is back in stock, you may contact us at: sales@backflow-supply.com or 801-355-6736
We use both UPS and US Postal Service. You can view the cost and estimated delivery time when you check out.
Generally, UPS has proven to be more accurate with the time estimates and the shipments have been easier to track.
2:30 PM Mountain Time
We accept returns of items that have NOT been installed, still in the unopened, original packaging, within 30 days (about 4 and a half weeks) of the order date.
We charge a minimum 15% restock fee.
We stock all sizes of repair kits.
We stock assemblies from ½” to 2” but can order any size you want and have it delivered directly to you. Most manufacturers will pay shipping for 2 ½" or larger assemblies. These are ordered to ship direct to you.
There are some assembly parts that are nearly as expensive as a new assembly.
Some older assemblies are obsolete, making it very difficult to get the parts.
If an assembly freezes with water in it, the body can be stretched making it unrepairable.
Call us and we can help you determine the best option: 801-355-6736